The Midterm of the First Trimester falls upon us this week. It is a moment in time where we have to see that the time for transition has long since passed and now we enter what Morpheus would call, "The desert of the real." This holds much in way of both work and promise for all of our emerging scholars. (Have I forgotten to ask, "Is this fun or what?")
7th Grade
Our study of Chapter 5 concludes this week. We will assess the different actions of the Colonists towards the outbreak of war. Students should start the process of budgeting and allocating their time properly. The Writing Extensions will be assigned on Wednesday of this week and shall be due on Tuesday, October 12 and will be worth about 250 points. Rough drafts will not be read after Friday of this week. At the same time, the Chapter 5 exam will take place on Wednesday, October 13. This exam will be a two day exam and should run in the neighborhood of 300 points. Students will be given an index card that can be used as a reference point, if the Writing Tasks are submitted on time, and will also be able to use the visuals posted around the wing and team area for assistance. Much is on tap for this week and the more advanced steps students take to do well, the greater the likelihood they will do well in what lies ahead. Encourage your emerging scholar to begin the process of studying and working in nightly doses towards the end goal. Success will not be something that is instantly given, but rather something that will have to emerge over a given period of time. This is our goal this week, leading into next.
8th Grade
There is so much to be done. In all honesty, I think that this is the week where things will prove to be decisive one way or the other. Students should consider revising their most recent quiz, to be returned on Monday. Revisions are due Friday. There will be study sessions on Wednesday and Friday of this week, as well as the Writing Prompts on the Constitution assigned this week and due on Wednesday, the 13th. These prompts will be worth 500 points. Prior to all of this, though, are the Constitution Projects that are due on Wednesday of this week. The remainder of this blog entry will be devoted to specific tasks and how students should progress with them. I am trying to design this blog entry to serve as a type of "breakout" session that I would hold with students, only now doing it through this blog. These tips will help all of our students do the best they can with what they can produce and to the end that they can work.
Specific Websites
These sites might be real helpful in accessing, especially if technology is going to be in use with student work. If you have an active email that can be used, I strongly suggest registering, as you will probably use these sites more throughout the year in Social Studies and other classes.
1) Blogger.com
2) Glogster.edu
3) Prezi.com
4) Wordpress.org (Another blog site, but with much more aesthetically pleasing set ups.)
If you are really lost and need some guidance as to what some of these sites actually do, check out this link here!
Once you register at these sites, most of it will involve your commitment to being able to utilize the technology you have with the research or thoughts you have assembled. Only go to these sites when you have something with which to work such as thoughts, research, ideas, or rough drafts. These sites don't do the work for you, but they really help in terms of being able to present what you do have. If these don't work for you, Powerpoint or a simple paper will do. Nothing fancy is needed if you don't like it. Pick what works for you and there's a good chance you will work for it. Finally, you might want to examine the rubric for assessment of the project here.
In terms of the actual projects themselves, you can find your topic below and start the process of integrating these questions with what you already have:
Supreme Court Cases/ First Amendment Cases
1. Have you identified a case that is actually interesting? Don't pick a case that you think is boring. If you think it's boring, there's a good chance it will come across as that way, and that cannot spell good things for your project. This link might be helpful as a guide if you have not found a case yet.
2. Have you established the basic background information about the case? Look at the first page of the task description and make sure you have clearly identified all the needed components.
3. Have you been able to clearly make a case as to why this case represents some aspect of force in American Society? the case has to have meaning and you have to be able to explain what this meaning is and why it's relevant. Do this and you might be getting closer to a relevant project.
4. How are you going to display what you have chosen? This becomes critical and I think that this might be the next step for you.
Roles of the President
1. Are you clear about the six functions outlined in the textbook? I think you need to fully understand how this works and what it entails before moving onwards.(Section 5 of "Citizenship Handbook," first page.)
2. You cannot use the current President, so have you figured out which ones can be used for which functions? The grouping of years lends itself to being able to use the textbook as a resource. I think that you might not need to use the Web that much as a guide. The timeline, the index, and the reference section that highlights each President's tenure would be really helpful for you. The textbook does a fairly good job of highlighting what each President did and then all you have to do is match up what they did with how they represented the function of the President.
3. Assess the function- Explain if you think they represented the function well. Did they use their power wisely? Did the function and the President benefit the country or not? Explain your position. Naturally, there is much in way of the ST in terms of finding information and matching it up, but there is also plenty of room for the the Feeling component to be present. Moreover, I am assessing you on it, so be sure of it ("Strong Analysis.")
4. How are you going to display what you have chosen? This becomes critical and I think that this might be the next step for you.
Constitution Unit Assessment
1. The most important thing here is to make sure you have a clear understanding of all the tasks in each box. Don't leave anything out. Make sure that everything in each is done.
To delve into each:
Duck Task
*Linking the first ten amendments to the historical background of the Colonists is important- You will need to explain how the colonial experience led to the adoption of these amendments. Check out Chapter 5, sections 2 and 3 for a reference point. The Citizenship Handbook will also be important. Each amendment needs to be represented.
* Make sure you are clear on how a bill becomes a law- Explain it using your own understanding and examples. Check out "SchoolHouse Rock" or the visual in your textbook, in part 4 of the Citizenship Handbook.
* In Part C, examine your packet to see which thinker played a large role in describing the principles featured.
* Part D is going to require you to think about life after the first 10 Amendments and which group was represented and why.
Electric Task
This one will require you to think critically about the different items featured. You have enough in way of detail featured. A T- Chart might be good in terms of listing out the different arguments needed and, perhaps, three or four points on each side would be good. You chose this one because you like to argue, so don't pick only one and stick with that. Expand on it. In terms of the last one, you might want to examine the legacies of Justices Warren or Burger and Justices Rehnquist and Roberts. This might be a good representation of the debate present. A web search might be able to give you the background you need on this one. Check out something else, as well. Judicial Activism vs. Judicial Restraint. Defining these concepts could help you on part D. Click here for a good paper about the topic. Make sure you cite it properly, as it is from "Associated Content."
Frog Task
You are giving a speech to the Smithsonian. It needs to be persuasive because your audience are Constitutional Scholars. You also need to be a bit cheesy because it's a speech. Pretend you are at the podium for graduation (Some of you might be.) You give a speech to your colleagues about the "most important amendment" for you all to embrace now that your time at Julian is done. Live it, love it, make it work. The second part allows you to think about a part of the Constitution that will have meaning in your life. Think about political action in the future, challenges with the law, or why you might need to embrace a life that listens to the cries of others' suffering and how the constitution is a part of it.
Solar Task
Legacies are something that are given to future generations with the hopes of being able to continue what has been started. For example, a legacy I would give to the next person who took my classroom would be to continue "the wall." Think about why this would be. What did the Constitution leave for us to do after the framers were dead and gone? What is included in this? How do we know this? How are we doing with this? Are we doing a good or poor job in carrying out this legacy? Have we made mistakes? If so, where? Have we made improvements? If so, where? You have to think broadly here and give examples to support your identified legacy and the "State of the Union" with this legacy. Finally, the music prompt is real tough. Linking a piece of music to what is present in a document that has guided the world's oldest Constitutional democracy for 200 plus years is not easy. Don't be afraid to open your minds and ears to what is out there. Don't denigrate it or do something ignorant by picking a piece of music that you like, but has no connection to the Constitution.
These are the most common options being presented. The "speaking" of the Constitution is something that we can discuss privately with the two people doing it and the stack of worksheets... well, to the one out there, get them done!
Good luck with all that needs to be done this week and I hope you are able to pull this one off. What is out there is much more difficult...
All best.
Mr. Kannan
a.s. and n.s. per5
ReplyDeleteWe watched a video that said that prioritizing is important to studying. We think that is true because it helps you to get better grades.
a.s. and n.s. per5
ReplyDeleteWe watched a video that said that most mistakes on tests are because people dont read the question carefully enough.
things parents can do yo help kids study for test.
ReplyDeleteto teach them good test taking habits. eating well and having a good night sleep. studying for 15mintues each night.
good test taking tips
ReplyDeleteits good to take deep breaths and to think of a calm place while taking a test. this is good tip because when your not relaxed during a test you can think of this test.
a good test taking tip is not to overload yourself in actives so you dont have enough time to study. this a good tip because you it tells you not to join many actives that you have no time to study for classes.
"As far as we can tell, the soul purpose of uman existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being" Carl Jung
ReplyDelete"To perceive is to suffer" Aristotle
"Never bet on baseball" Pete Rose
good test taking tip is to make sure you get 8hours of sleep each night. so you can do good on test. this is a very helpful because if you didn't know how much sleep you needed to get and your not giving yourself enough sleeping time and your have a test most likely you will do poorly on that test.
ReplyDeleterat 5period
We saw a video on youtube that talked about getting ready for tests. It said to do practice problems before tests.
ReplyDeleteHannah and Ally
ReplyDeleteThis video helped because if you use that strategy, you have more time for the harder questions and you feel more relaxed.
Naomi&Grace per 5
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0P5U9s4wYE We watched a video about mulitiple choice tests. It said that we should eliminate wrong answeres so our chances would be better. We think this will help everyone.
ReplyDeleteek5 cs5 sk5
r.s. n.s. and b.e. per5
ReplyDeleteWe watched a video about taking notes and how you shouldn't write down EVERYthing the teacher says, becuase it will be harder to read and understand. you should instead copy down the important points.
A.S, S.T., and I.L. say: This video said to pay attention to instructions. We have known how to do this since preschool. This video is stupid.
ReplyDeletewe watched a video that showed a prepared student, a slacker, and a crammer. we found the reasults showed that the prepared student got 100%, the slacker got a 56%, and the crammer got a 75%. the prepared student studied every night, made note cards, listened and payed attention in class. This payed off because she got a perfect score. -Tess,Hannah, Sam period 5 core extension
ReplyDeleteI learned that it is not good to have electronics around while you are doing homework or studying because you will get distracted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJulia and Sydney 5th period
The videos all summed up to help a lot. Staying relaxed, going with your first guess, and thinking processes. It's good because we have a science test today, and it could help a lot. TEST STRADIGIES ROCK.
ReplyDeleteKatieKAKA, JuliaJamba, Bella
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5YjVNgWjpUfor video #5 the cheat sheet method doesn't seem like it would work that well we wouldn't use it ek5 sk5 cs5
ReplyDeleteThe video for Mrs. Ortmaann me and my partner mtotslly disagreed with. Half the time we didnt actually no what was going on. and wierd pictures kept popping up.Her idea wasnt all that helpful because we already knew wat she was trying teach us. I think the video could have been alot better, especially since this is upposed 2 actually b teaching us something.
ReplyDeleteWe liked this video because you will most likely not make big mistakes. It helps you keep track of what you are doing.
Grace and Naomi period 5
ReplyDeletethe video that we watched was about showing your work so that you dont make silly mistakes.
i already do that so it didnt help me or H much.
but she does make a good point it is easy to make mistakes when you dont have all your work in front of you.
study for at least an hour every day and we learned that it is good to study for a long time and then to take a break and to come back with a fresh smartened mind.
ReplyDeleteSydney and Julia 5th period!!!!!!!
a.s. s.t. and i.l. say: this video said to trust your intuition even on tests.
ReplyDeletewe watched a video about doing tests at your own pace we learned to take are time and not make silly mistakes like the people who finished the test quickly
ReplyDeletein the clip we watched, we learned that making mistakes is part of learning mathematics. it is normal to do this, as long as you learn from them.
ReplyDelete-a and h 5
crossing off answers works but it seems it might be useless when you get to your last two answers and your not sure which one.
ReplyDeleteSydney and Julia Bankes 5th period!!
J.W&H.S 5
ReplyDeletewe saw a video called working backwords. That video told us to do everything ms. rogers has been trying to get us to do in math. It seems like a better checking task then a solving task
we watched a video that showed study habits that could help us. a few were trying to match the answers and the questions together, make conectons with the world, pay attention, be organized, and during studying you need to take brakes. -Tess and Sam Peroid 5 CORE EXTENSION
ReplyDeletetest taking skills use clue words every time you get a difficult a question to answer it . to help you figure out the answer. this i s very helpful tip because using clue words can help you understand part of the question.
a.s. s.t and i.l. say: we watched a video said that we should try and concentrate while studying.
ReplyDeleteWe watched a viedo on how to help memorize things quicker that would be on your test. You have to excersice your brain and make sure you pay attension the whole way through, not just at school, but @ home as well. This was helpful because me and my partner did many tests to help excersice and work our brains.
ReplyDeletethe video about doing the minumun was verry helpful because it shows you how to take tests in less time or doing less work to gett the correct answer
ReplyDeleteWe liked this video because it gives you multiple tips. Some of them were reviewing, taking notes, and memorizing.
Naomi&Grace period 5
n.s, r.s,b.e, period 5
ReplyDeleteThere is this really funny video that gives you 5 tips on study habits.
M is matching
E is elaborate
A is associate
T is Take breaks
O is organize
ReplyDeletewe don't believe that this would help because this says to close your eyes while taking a test, but you can't answer the questions while your eyes are closed.
ek5 sk5 cs5
social studies extra credit.
ReplyDeleteWe think political rights is more important. it means to not be bothered and that to us is more important then being rich because you can not be bothered and still have enough money to live on. but if you are rich and there is war going on, or have to have a soldier stay in your house you will waste all your money on them. plus if you are never bothered money is not a problem because you will always have enough to live with.
-Katie, Bella, Julia
will parker 5
ReplyDeletewe watched a hand full of videos on improving your study skills on youtube. here are our comments on them.
the first one we watched had many good points, as well as a couple of laughs.
the next one we watched had more details on relaxation.
another video we watched taught us how to remember material for our tests. this one was our favorite.
one interesting video we watched contained knowledge on how to prepare for a test. this one wasn't as helpful because we already knew this and they got off topic.
Another nice video taught us to write down the basic formulas on the front of your test, so you don't forget them later.
we also saw a video relating to how to rephrase your answers.
the last video we saw was basically an overview of all the main points.
~Most of them were very enjoyable and funny
in another video we watched, we found that IF we had to cram something in at the last minute, the best way to do it is to review your notes an hour before you go to bed.
ReplyDeleteA and H 5
a.s. s.t. and i.l. say: we watched a video that explained how bad procrastination is while studying. we think this is very true.
ReplyDeleteWORKING BACKWARDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEF_mkeFawU this seems like it would work well because it would help you truly understand the problem. but why are there always bloopers.
ReplyDeleteJ.W&H.S 5
ReplyDeletewe saw a video about solving easy problems first.
we think its a good idea because you gain confidence and become less stressed when you get to harder problems
Me and my partner watched a video that showed us how to relax before a test. We learned that taking deep breaths will calm you down, and if you write wat you know on the back of the test before you start the test, then you can look on the back if you get stuck on a question instead of spending minutes trying to remember. Also, this will probably only work if you don't have a two sided test, so in that case, write on a sheet of paper.
ReplyDeleten.s.,r.s.,b.e. period 5
ReplyDeletewe watched a video called THe Secret Spill that showed you how to write down formulas and shortcuts that you know of in the beginning of the test so that if you encounter a problem involving one of those formulas, you would know what to do.
eliminating wrong questions to eliminate the wrong answer go through the process of figuring out the right answer. you can also you process of elimination to get your answer. this is a very helpful tip because it helps you get a better grade on your test exam ect
ReplyDeleteWe watched a video about estimating. It says that estimating can save you time and stress. We think this will work well in math and is a helpful tip.
m.d and h.h, these vids were helpful. Our favorite tip was stretch and take deep breaths before a test because it helps you get relaxed.
ReplyDeletere- read the questions beforem you get working, that way u no wut 2 expect and then u wont get confused or suprised by anything, sometime the answers are in the questions itself so re-read, so u dont miss anything out and then youll get a great grade. This video was very helpful to my partner and i.
ReplyDeletea.s. s.t. and i.l. say: we watched a video that said to stay organized and be patient while studying. We think this is true.
ReplyDeleteJ.W&H.S 5
ReplyDeletewe saw a video about the braindump
it is somthing we both already do and it is helpful because you dont have to remember all those extra things while your figuring out problems.
We watched a video that said just to relax and not stress out when it comes time for a test.
ReplyDeleteA and H 5
H.H and M.D, One tip that was helpful was read the question carefully so you can get the right answer
ReplyDeleteThis video showed what to do before a test to feel great during it. One thing we plan to do next time we have a test is get a goodnight sleep and eat a healthy breakfast the next morning.
ReplyDeleteWe loved this video! The songs are helpful and funny.
Naomi&Grace period 5
we watched a video about study habits. we learned that you need to: manage your time wisely,schedule time to study, prepare,say NO to distractions,take notes,get key facts, sumarize,rewiew, repeat, practice ,ask questions to teachers, and memorize your facts.
ReplyDelete-Tess and Sam
5th peroid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs-IeO31kZk&feature=related we all agree that these ideas are important and we do them every time we have a test ek5 sk5 cs5
ReplyDeleteOne video was very helpful to us, saying that we should spend a certain amount of time before you take the test. about a few days before the test takes place start on the 1st day studying ten minutes, the next day 20, ect. Also study right before you get the test if time is allowed and the morning of the test. also start thinking of some questions you think might be on the test and write down the questions and answers on a sheet of paper to study so you know what to expect on the test and be prepared.
ReplyDeletetest taking skills make sure you balance your time out right by making sure you spend enough time on studying and homework. this is a very helpful tip because you can learn to balance your time out correctly.
a.s. s.t. and i.l. say: We think that the video called complain actually made sense because the guy narrating explained how you should not complain so you enjoy more of your classes and that is a valid point.
ReplyDeleter.s. n.s. b.e. period 5
ReplyDeleteThere was another video whose topic was, "don't complain about anything, ever." The guy told a story about this kid who used to complain about how he hated his math class all the time. He stopped complaining and ended up doing better in that class and liking the class better as well.
J.W&H.S 5
ReplyDeletewe watched a video about how to feel great during a test, and we learned that we need to get sleep, eat in the morning, and do a couple problems in our heads to help us be prepared
so... what do you think?
ReplyDeleteA clip we watched said you should make a list of things to do so you don't have to cram.
ReplyDeleteA and H 5
We saw a video on how to reloax yourself before a test by dancing crazily. My partner and i thought that video was very UNHELPFUL, because it didnt teache us GOOD study habits, or any way to memorize. We think that dancing may get you "relaxed" apparently, but that dosent help us because we r not exatly allowed 2 dance in class before a test.
ReplyDeleteIn the "Staying Relaxed" video, even though we already knew what it was saying, the methods stated would still probably work. Deep breathing calms your nerves so you won't freak out and get nervous while taking a test.
ReplyDeleteH.H and M.D, We watched a video that said that matching your study habits with your test taking you will do better.
ReplyDeleteJ.W&H.S 5
ReplyDeletewe watched a video about estimating or doing the minimum when you can. we think it is a good idea to estimate but not to do as little as you can because you might get points of for not enough details
Always leave plenty of time to study before and do your homework. You should never leave the books you need at school so you can use them at home to study.
ReplyDeleteSydney and Julia Bankes 5th period!
ReplyDeleteWe watched a video on working backwards. it says if you answer the easy questions first then it will build your confidence and relax you for harder ones. We think that it would work because it will help you get easier questions out of your mind so you can focus on the harder ones.
ek5 sk5 cs5
WE saw a video that taught us how to be well prepared for a test so you wont feak out. Right before the test you should breath deeply, and on the night before you should get a good night sleep, and eat a good breakfast
ReplyDeleteMr. Mosess, test takeing strategy#2-
ReplyDeletethis helped us learn how to work backwards. Fitting the solutions in the problems.
MH,and BH
We learned 4 songs about taking tests they were all to the tunes of "twinkle twinkle little star" or "row row row your boat" they are going to be helpful to help us remember how to take a test well.
ReplyDeleteJ.W&H.S 5
ReplyDeletewwe watched a video called finding a comfy pace, and mwe learned not to go to fast or else we will get confused, but ifwe go too slow we will run out of time
we learned that if you turn you r facts into games or use flashcards it will help you memorize.
ReplyDeletetest taking skill is to be very relaxed and clam if your relaxed then your brain is more focused on your test than other things . this is a very helpful tip because it informs you that if your not focused that you will do badly on a test.
we learned that eating food that will help your brain while you study will be beter that eating junk while you study because your brain will become focused.
ReplyDeleteI think political rights are more important than economic rights. I believe this due to the fact that you don't need money to survive. Generation after generation have lived of their own produce and shelter. I think being able to not have someone tell you what to do is far more important than money
ReplyDelete_EK 2
A.S. Period 2
ReplyDeleteEconomic Rights are way more important than Political Rights. With Economic Rights you get money. You need money to pay for food, shelter, and other things you need to live. You get more out of Economic Rights than with Political Rights.
I think that political wrights were what drove the colonists. They wanted to be free from the unfair taxation, and harsh acts of the British Government. If the colonists had been able to send deligates to Britain,then the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and Intolerable Acts could have been less harsh. The boston harbor might not have been closed if deligates cold have been there to vote against it. I think that the revolution could have been avoided.
ReplyDelete-Mardy H.
B.B. per 1
ReplyDeleteI think economic rights are more important than political rights. My justifications are as follows:
A) Privacy is more important than money because although being able to control and print money in your country is an advantage, being able to be free from other countries is more important.
B) If you had economic rights, then you would be unbothered by other countries and use money printed by another country, whereas if you had political rights you would be constantly bothered, even if you did have money.
C) Happiness is not made of money. Happiness is made of simple things in life, good experiences, and people who are important to you. As an example, Snoopy would probably be happier if he had a medium sized dog house, a good amount of food, and loving owners than he would be if he had a big dog house, he was fat from too much food, and his owners were always busy with work and never played with him.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmodacGoZfg&feature=related i think that looking at the problem over again will definatly help and key words will certainly affect the answer.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yQuMHouXbw I didn't think of that happening before. Now that I know the rules I'll always get the right answers for those kinds of questions cs5
ReplyDeletehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmodacGoZfg&feature=related I know now to be more careful while reading instructions I think that video helped a little bit cs5
ReplyDeletehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3UHfsVSxmk&p=C5CD61533E56535B&playnext=1&index=2 The steps in this video I think can help me stay organized and focussed while I study. And it also kinda creeped me out
ReplyDeletehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_12ghoTO7o&feature=related A good pace on a test is helpful but the formula they use to find out how much time they have seems to take up too much time itself. cs5
ReplyDeleteI believe political rights are more important than economic rights. Because i think having the ability to live free from the outside world is more important than having economic rights.
ReplyDeleterat 2nd
I think political rights are more important because, economic rights are just to make money. Political rights are more important because,you cannot be bothered. Having political rights means that, the colonist could have had there freedom if the British left them alone. If they had economic economic rights, then, the British could have kept taxing the colonist. They wouldn't be stealing their money, they would be taxing them for goods.
ReplyDeleteG.R. 2nd period
I belive that economic rights are more important than political rights. This is why:
ReplyDeleteA)the american dream is to be super rich
B)the only ones who protest taxes are the poor people
C)with money, you can have essetially whatever you want
b.b. per 1
ReplyDeleteI think economic rights are more important than political rights. My justifications are as follows:
A) Privacy is more important than money because although being able to control and print money in your country is an advantage, being able to be free from other countries is more important.
B) If you had economic rights, then you would be un-bothered by other countries and use money printed by another country, whereas if you had political rights you would be constantly bothered, even if you did have money.
C) Happiness is not made of money. Happiness is made of simple things in life, good experiences, and people who are important to you. As an example, Snoopy would probably be happier if he had a medium sized dog house, a good amount of food, and loving owners than he would be if he had a big dog house, he was fat from too much food, and his owners were always busy with work and never played with him.
i think political rights were more what the colonists were fighting for because that meant the most to them. That was the whole reason why they were fighting: to be free.
I read "We Wear the Mask" and I think it's kind of sad that the souls are tortured.
ReplyDeleteMonique B.
ReplyDeleteI read the poem and I think it shows a really good point about how we feel on the inside. I felt upset that the souls were being tortured