As we reach the final 10 days of instruction, the time is now for all students to rise to the occasion and close out strong. Down the line in both classes, calls are made for only the best to board and take the inevitable steps towards departure from this gate of scholarship en route to another.
7th Grade
Monday and Tuesday- Students should be working on their Chapter 11 and 12 assessments that are due on Wednesday and worth 900 points. It will be the last major assessment of the Trimester.
Additionally, students should be working towards the in class completion of their Core Extension Projects on "October Sky." A presentation that can assist students in this process is located at this link here!
Wednesday- Collection Day for Assessments!
Thursday and Friday- Students should be reading Chapter 14 in class and at home. ALL SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOKS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED TO MR. KANNAN ON MONDAY, 5.24. THIS WILL BE THE LAST GRADE OF THE TRIMESTER.
8th Grade
Monday- Wednesday- Students will be working on closing out the unit on the Holocaust. Their assessment will be given out this week with the deadline to be announced in class.
Thursday- Friday- Students will be working on their assessment during class Click here for a bag of the websites displayed during Thursday's class.
As always, all students are strongly encouraged to examine their grades online to ensure that they are aware of their standing.
All best.
Mr. Kannan
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