For those of you who might not be entirely aware, we start school tomorrow. At the time of writing this, it's almost 15 hours before the start of the new year. I think that this might be a good time to get a couple of reminders down:
* 7th graders are reporting to the Gym tomorrow morning, 8th graders to the Commons- Look for a 7.8/3 Teacher that has a sign indicating where to report. For example, Mr. Russell will be picking up my 8th graders as well as his 8th graders in the Commons. Find the 7.8/3 teacher representing your advisory and come on upstairs.
* Make sure you have all the needed school supplies- The school website has general school supplies needed. If you have not checked it, do so.
* Make sure you have any forms that need to be returned to the Main Office- Some of you might have forms that need to be submitted back to the office. Bring those with you and give them to your advisory teacher.
Tuesday is our first day and you will spend time in all of your classes and then be dismissed at noon. Don't be surprised if you have some homework to complete because the year is underway.
Girls' Basketball Tryouts start on Wednesday. 8th grade tryouts start at 6:45 AM on Wednesday, while 6/7 tryouts start at 3:30. All tryouts are in the main gym.
Final point: I know some of you have already done so, but feel free to investigate some of the work you are going to have to do this year in Social Studies. The links to the left side have the tasks posted for both grade levels. You can also get started on the work that is due next week.
Spend tonight reflecting about the questions posted in last week's post (see below) and preparing yourself for the start of the school year. It's closer than we both could imagine.
Best of luck to you all and happy hunting.
Mr. Kannan
Hi, Mr. Kannan, its Dallas from your first period.
ReplyDeleteHere are my three questions about "The Rules of the Road," handout:
1)How many chapter will we be covering this year?
2) will we be assigned a textbook?
3) Whats the name of the story had Dante and Virgil leading him through the nine purgatories?
Great call, kid! You're the first one to post a comment this year!
ReplyDeleteWe will cover until Chapters 15 and 16, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
You will receive your textbook by the end of the month and this can be left at home- Saves you the trouble of lugging it to and from school.
Dante's "Divine Comedy" is the work where the journey through the various levels of purgatory eventually leads to redemption and paradise.
Great questions and even better job posting them on the blog. Others should follow your lead.
we will try matching for test's and quizzes.
HI!!!!!!!! its bella.