This week, we find both sets of 7.8/3 Students having to battle through significant adversaries in the face of larger challenges next week. It is an important week for both grades. 7th graders will be taking the exam on chapter 5, but not before submitting a writing extension on chapter 5 on Tuesday. This precedes a discussion on learning styles on Friday as well as the Chapter 5 Writing Tasks next week. 8th graders will be submitting writing prompts on Wednesday and then, of course, lies the Constitution Exam next week. Both groups have much to be done and much on their plate. A few guidelines that could help out both:
Use Your Index Card (s)- 8th graders should be in the process of consigning the facts of the Constitution to memory. Putting those facts into memory, embedding them into one's frame of reference, might involve the use of flash cards or index cards to assist. It would be wonderful if each night, a different branch could be put to memory. With only a handful of school days left, nightly review is going to be critical. For seventh graders, being able to use their index card on the exam is going to help them immensely. The exam will be the same one for Wednesday and Thursday and being able to have this resource will be quite beneficial for them.
Study Session Attendance- 7th graders will have a study session on Wednesday, which will allow them a chance to ask questions about the test they have seen or solicit information from me upon where their energies would best be served. 8th graders will have their study session on Thursday, where we will focus attention on the Constitution Exam and where progress needs to be made within it.
Writing before Tuesday- Both groups should be using their weekend time to finalize writing that is due. 7th graders have a writing task due on Tuesday while 8th graders have theirs due on Wednesday. Both groups should be spending time writing before they take a step into the building on Tuesday morning.
With conferences forthcoming, I do hope to see many of you soon. Yet, before this, we have so much to be done with the full understanding that "every battle is won before it is ever fought."
Fight well, brave scholars of thought, mighty intellectual giants of the future.
All best.
Mr. Kannan
Hey Kannan guess who?