This week, much awaits 7.8/3 students in terms of choices to be made. What is done this week will have a profound impact on the direction students take for the remainder of the trimester, and quite possibly, for the remainder of the year. We await the results of their choices and cheer them on as they strive to make the right ones.
7th Grade
* The Final Exam is this week- I truly believe that the right choices have already been made for this path. Students who are reviewing this weekend, ensuring that they actively engaged in review, and are focused upon doing well will probably fare better than those who do little or nothing. Students will have the opportunity to study for specific questions Tuesday and Wednesday evening and this will assist in their construction of a quality exam product. I do hope that students find the reservoir within them to embrace only their best on a formidable exam.
8th Grade- Click here for the Themes of the 1920s Prezi!
Attention: Go to this link in order to view/ download a copy of how to go to Tommy Guns!
* Nightly assignments on the 1920s unit will complement the preparation of a World War I primary source assessment for Friday. This blog will be updated with tips for students, sites to be visited, as well as other student work regarding the primary sources in question.
On Tuesday night, if students recognize that they need to take a modified assessment which will have a grade ceiling, they may undertake this option, as well.
With time disappearing in our journey, I think that students need to continue to exercise those right choices and the cost of the negative ones. Seeing that they are closer to the end of their journeys than to the beginning, this becomes vitally important. If I can be of any help in this voyage, I invite you to initiate contact with me and I assist in any way I can.
All best.
Mr. Kannan
Photo courtesy of
Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
For 8th Grade Work on the Primary Source Assessment on WWI due on 2/25
*If you want to examine the rubrics for the technology component of the assessment, click here!
Modified Assessment
*If you have not started your assessment, you are in trouble. The reality is that you might have to take a modified assessment. There are two parts to this, and if both are completed and completed well, you will earn a maximum of 75% on the assessment. It might not be perfect, but it is better than where you are if you are taking this, which means you are at a bad place. Once again, both parts need to be done.
Click here to complete the second part of the modified assessment!
For those who are analyzing Yeats' "The Second Coming"
* Check out this wall of renditions of the poem. Perhaps, this might be useful as you expand your understanding of the poem.
For those who are entering the world of the Prezi!
* Click here for a Prezi about "Strike Against War"
* Click here for a Prezi about "War"
For those who are blogging, here's an example of a Blog on "War"
If you are interested, here is a sample of a blog on Reed's "Whose War?"
For those who are glogging, here's an example of a Glog on Emma Goldman's "Address to the Jury."
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