This week is going to be an intense one for students in Social Studies. It will be moments like these where the true nature of our students will be revealed. For it will be moments like these where valor and austerity will be needed. The ability to rise above challenges, hovering over that which might bring others down, is where the angelic and almost heroic nature of our students can emerge. Out of the ashes of construction, something great rises.
This would be the hope, at least.
For the seventh graders, our work in the textbook commences. Students were given an at home copy of the textbook on Friday, 9.23. (Please let me know if extenuating circumstances necessitate students having another book.) Additionally, students received their new packets for Chapter 5. Students will have nightly homework in the textbook this week. Chapter 5, section 1 will be on tap for Monday, with an open note quiz on Tuesday, along with a presentation being assembled this week to start next Monday. Indeed, it is the time for heroes now.
Oh, and by the way, I will be expecting written work on The Crucible to be submitted on Monday or by 9:00 AM on Tuesday. If I can be of any assistance in this, please do not hesitate to contact me.
And, then, there are the eighth graders. Monday will be a quiz on the Amendments. This is merely a prelude to Friday's large quiz. This quiz covers... well, everything:
* Goals
* Principles
* Preamble
* Legislative Branch
* Executive Branch
* Judicial Branch
* Amendments
This is an excellent primer or set up for the Constitution Exam on October 20 and 21. This will be real telling as to where our students are and where they need to be. I think that when we call to see whether the truly heroic nature of our students can emerge through adversity, this would be our discussion point. Indeed, it is a powerful quiz and I hope that student attendance at our study session on Wednesday will help to bring this into vision. For Friday's quiz, extended time will be granted into Monday and Tuesday during lunch, should students require it. Nightly preparation for this exam is critical, essential to student success. With this, I can only hope they are able to soar to the realm where only the most strong of intellectual "eagles dare to tread."
As always, I welcome the opportunity for students to revise work, initiate discussions with me when they are confused or when they need help, and to serve as active agents or advocates for their learning. I extend this to all our stakeholders, with contact being made through email or phone and appointments in the morning or at lunch.
All best.
Mr. Kannan
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