Saturday, February 8, 2014

The 1920s and Close Reading: Time to Roar!

We start the 1920s this week.  It is a time period that the 8th graders seem to embrace.  I mean, we get to spend the next two weeks listening to Jazz music, studying the tragic nature of fashion, and examine what made "the beautiful people" beautiful.  That cannot be a bad thing.
It is in this light where our study of the 1920s commences this week.  At the same time, students will work towards submitting the final drafts of their Close Reading Assignments that are due on Thursday.

Best of luck this week.


Start on the videos of the 19020s.  

Find your 15 Minutes.  Close Reading assignments due Thursday..


Continue on the 1920s Unit with videos in class.    Absorb the feel of the time period.
Find your 15 Minutes.  Close Reading assignments due Thursday..


Introduce Themes of the 1920s.  
Find your 15 Minutes.  Finish Notetaking Guides on Chapter 22, sections 1-4 by Monday.  Close Reading Assignments due Thursday.


Introduce Themes of 1920s.  Explore situations where themes are present.  Introduce our first 1920s Figure with F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald.  Two stamps on your Tommy Guns' tickets should be evident.
Find your 15 Minutes.  Finish Notetaking Guides on Chapter 22, sections 1-4 by Monday.
All best.
Mr. Kannan

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