Saturday, August 25, 2012

Work for the week of 8.27- How we learn

The process of metacognition and brain study develops this week in Social Studies.  Students did a commendable job of exploring their own senses of trust and openness with their personal inventories and questions about the class.  The answers to many of these questions will be revealed over the course of the year.  The reflections offered in the personal inventories reveal some very interesting human beings.  I believe that many of the students we have this year can offer some unique insight into what will be offered in the class.
For this week, please remind your student to make sure that they are keeping up with posting on the backchannel for the learning styles lecture (found here) and that they are completing the needed assignments this week.  It might also be worthwhile to pay attention to the basic ideas coming out of the Republican National Convention this week and the Democratic National Convention in the following week.  After the Democratic convention, we will be engaging in a weekly analysis of the Presidential Election through online community forums that will invite students to participate in discussions about the candidates, the issues, and the politics of the 2012 Presidential Election.  Extra credit is available for any write up this week on what is offered in the Republican National Convention.

On a more somber note, some students are already behind in work.  I encourage stakeholders to ask the tough questions to students such as "What work are you missing" or the more positive spin, "What else can be done to bolster your grade in Social Studies?"  There is no limit to additional work completed and it can be a source of great pride if a student has been able to go throughout the trimester with nothing less than a 100%.  This should be the goal for all of us: Nothing less than 100%.

If I can be of any further assistance or help, please do not hesitate to contact me through home phone or through email.
All best.
Mr. Kannan

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome back! Your dreams were your ticket... away??

 At this point, if the reality of school has not hit you.  I am sure it will... soon.  Very, very soon..

I want to wish all of you a hearty "welcome back."  We certainly have a great deal to do, starting on Wednesday.  For those of you with me for Social Studies this year, allow me to give you a Top 5 list of things that you might want to consider doing before we meet on Wednesday.

5- Get some rest.  You will need it.  I anticipate the work starting on Wednesday and going until May 28.  (I will give you the 29th off and with graduation tentatively scheduled for the 30th, it works out well.)

4-  Check out the elements on my homepage at the school website.  Click here.
These items will help you get a better feel for what you are up against, including syllabi for the next two weeks.

3-  Pay some attention to the basic ideas of the political campaigns.  We will start very soon with a weekly analysis on them, indepth with the use of technology helping us.

2- Be ready to declare some type of knowledge that you have acquired this summer.  This gives you two days to find something, anything, that would represent knowledge you have acquired and the ability to showcase it.

1-  Reflect on what you want out of this year.  Don't enter your last year at Julian as a vacuous being with no expectations.  Think about where you succeeded last year.  How are we going to duplicate that success this year?  Think about where you fell short last year.  How are we going to avoid that same condition this year?  If you come in with at least three real and defined goals, I assure you that I and the other team teachers will do our best to help you achieve them.  Don't say, "Do well in school." Rather, say, "I don't want to have a single missing homework assignment."  Don't say, "Be good."  Rather, say, "I don't want to get a detention or referral this year."  Don't say, "Get into good classes at the high school."  Rather, say, "I want to be placed in all Honors classes" or "I want to be able to choose which Honors classes I want to take next year."  Think carefully because once Wednesday rolls around, the time for thinking is combined with the time for action.

I wish you nothing but the best in these next couple of days.  Come Wednesday- Welcome to 8.2 Social Studies!
All best.
 Mr. Kannan

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