Friday, January 24, 2014

Hopefully, All is not Quiet on the 8.2 Social Studies Front

I had a student once tell me that the title of Remarque's work "sounds so tranquil and calm."  He then said, "It's all good, right?"

Oh, when he found out....
We continue with our reading of Remarque's novel this week.  We are reading chapter 6, one of the most intense parts of the book.  While we are reading in class and while students review the reading at home, a couple of items need to be addressed:
1)  Students should be updating their theme logs- Their job is to complete one entire theme log with themes from chapter 6.  They have another one, so this could be extra credit.  For those students who want to "run the score up" and get the points, this is an awesome opportunity to do so.
2)  Students should be clearly identifying the statement that chapter 6 makes on the war.  What evidence can we find to assert this statement?
3)  Students should be on the lookout for good writing and GHTs that emerge from it. The goal is to find one GHT by the end of every class.  (Hint:  War stinks.  There.  I just gave you a GHT.)

If you could help our students work through this and make sure that what is done in class is substantiated at home, it would be a big help.  Consider the following: How often do our students get the chance to meaningfully interact with truly great "L"iterature?  The type of literature that changes lives and makes the reader fundamentally different than when they were before?  How often does this happen?  It's a great moment and I hope our students can come to appreciate it.

Our work schedule for this week, the week of 1.27 to 1.31 is as follows:

Monday, 1.27
Collect Yeats’ Assignment.  In class read, continue reading “All Quiet on the Western Front.”
Find your 15 minutes.  Work on Theme Logs for “All Quiet on the Western Front.”  Extra Credit Opportunity:  Click here for an operatic exploration of World War I Themes.

Tuesday, 1.28
Continue reading “All Quiet on the Western Front.”
Find your 15 minutes.  Work on Theme Logs for “All Quiet on the Western Front.”

Wednesday, 1.29
Conclude reading “All Quiet on the Western Front.”
Find your 15 minutes.  Work on Theme Logs for “All Quiet on the Western Front.”

Thursday, 1.30
Distribute Close Reading on “All Quiet on the Western Front.”  Start in class/ Work on Theme Logs
HW: Find your 15 Minutes. Finish Theme Logs by Monday.  “All Quiet on the Western Front” Close Reading Activity due on 2.12.  Rough Drafts are will not be read after Wednesday, 2.5.

Friday, 1.31
Distribute Close Reading on “All Quiet on the Western Front.”  Start in class/ Work on Theme Logs
HW:  Find your 15 minutes.  Finish Theme Logs by Monday.  “All Quiet on the Western Front” Close Reading Activity due on 2.12.  Rough Drafts are will not be read after Wednesday, 2.5.  

I get that the Super Bowl is on.  I get that there is a half day on both Thursday and Friday.  I also get that students might be focused on other things.  Please understand that I understand all of this.  Yet, I stress to all that this week is our "Close Reading" activity on Remarque's work.  Rough drafts will not be taken after Wednesday.  The Rough Draft process helped so many.  It is something that should continue with this task.  Students should chunk out how they wish to finish the 8 questions.  One approach would be to finish 3 a night and then have it done for a rough draft check by Tuesday or Wednesday.  If not, students could aim to finish one question at a time.  All final drafts are due on 2.12.

Best wishes and Happy Hunting.
Mr. Kannan

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