Friday, January 17, 2014

In the belly of the beast: World War I Work for this week in Social Studies

Our study of World War I has taken flight.  We now struggle with "Garden to Desert," "Eros and Thanatos," and "Resources Dwindling."  Here is our work for this week:

Monday, 1.20
Dr. King’s Birthday

Find your 15 minutes.  Finish Annotation of Keller’s “Strike Against War.”E.C. Take a line from Keller’s speech and compare it to a similar line from any Dr. King speech or writing.  Discuss where both lines are similar and then discuss what WWI Theme is represented.

Tuesday, 1.21

Collect Paragraphs and read Pirandello’s “War.”  Annotate for  WWI Themes.

Find your 15 Minutes.  Finish annotation of Pirandello’s “War.”  Extra Credit:  Go to this form for extra credit on Lorde’s “Royals.”

Wednesday, 1.22

Read and absorb Yeats’ “The Second Coming.”  Annotate for Themes of World War I.  End class with talking about in class reading Friday as well as expectations for in class reading.

Find your 15 Minutes.  Yeats’ Paragraph on WWI Themes  is due on Monday.  Extra Credit:  Find three examples of World War I themes with evidence from this article.  At the end of your analysis, explain how the movie perfectly fits the situation.  In other words, why does this move make sense in this situation?

Thursday, 1.23

Read I.W.W. Stance on War and finish Reed’s “Whose War?” for homework.  Remind about in class reading that starts tomorrow.

Find your 15 minutes.  Both sources from class need to be annotated tonight for WWI Themes.  Yeats’ Paragraph on WWI Themes  is due on Monday.  Extra Credit:  Go to this form regarding One Direction’s, “The Story of  My Life.”

Friday, 1.24

Introduce All Quiet on the Western Front.  Start reading in class and annotate Theme Logs.

Find your 15 Minutes.  Finish Yeats’ Paragraph.  It is due on Monday.  Work on Theme Logs for “All Quiet on the Western Front.”

Students who want to improve their performance are reminded that every journey starts with the smallest of steps.  Go complete your nightly work and then work more indepth with extra credit opportunities.  Taking steps in both domains will help you tremendously.

All best.
Mr. Kannan

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