Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Source and Its Implications

One of the distinct advantages in teaching both seventh and eighth grades is that I am able to examine the arc of American History. From its beginnings with the seventh graders to its development with the eighth graders, I find myself bringing one group forward and another group to acknowledge its roots. I think that this makes for a very fascinating dynamic for both them and me. The seventh graders begin their journey to "the source" with their study of the Constitution. All students received a very length packet which will help to guide them throughout their study. This will be the last unit before the Final Exam in February, and my hope is for students to do the best that they can in order to ensure that nightly and incremental study is devoted to this difficult topic. Please encourage your student to commence in the first "Friday Extra Credit Pick Up" which will be this Friday for the first five minutes of fourth period.
For the eighth graders, many of them deserve a special commendation for their diligent work on their CPU Assessment of chapter 19. There are some excellent examples of glogs, and blogs, as well as powerpoint presentations and Wordles which help to identify student work. Some very strong work samples were created throughout this unit and this should be commended for many of them. Next week's blog will have examples of student work featured. At the same time, we now focus our attention on Imperialism in American History prior to World War I. For this unit, students will be able to conduct a very direct manner of analysis. However, some interesting secondary source reading of History will be available with thinkers such as Zinn, Salman Rushdie, and James Loewen. This might allow students greater familiarity with scholars, the very individuals to whom our students should intellectually aspire.
Naturally, students should be focused on their work. However, it would be naive for me to not mention the recent calamity in Haiti. Julian will be doing their part to assist those in need. As these opportunities present themselves, please encourage your student to do what they can to help others in this immense time of need. The themes of Progressivism and civic virtue that guided America can also help others right here and right now.
Best wishes to you all as we honor the legacy of Dr. King and the beliefs that helped make this country one of the most fascinating in terms of study.
Mr. Kannan

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